My Aquaponic Systems

My indoor and outdoor setups from January 2010 through July 2011

Summer 2011: Expanded shale grow bed using three halves of 55 gallon plastic drums. All three drums are connected by three inch PVC pipe with an autosiphon in last half. System uses same160 gallon fish pond as summer 2010.
Grow bed with expanded shale and autosiphon viewed from above (left) and below (right)
Grow bed with wood frame and cement block stand

November 2010: Clay pebble and gravel bed experiment w/ two fish tanks (~50 gallons each)

Summer 2010: Three ebb and flood gravel beds and deep flow technique system w/ fish pond (~160 gallons)

March 2010: Three ebb and flood gravel beds w/ one fish tank (55 gallon) w/ staggered planting

February 2010: Three ebb and flood gravel beds w/ one fish tank (55 gallons)